For Those Who Enjoy Drinking &

want to

drink less... without Having to quit!

There is a simple 7-day solution that is PROVEN to work
(no matter how many years you’ve been drinking).

And the best part? 

You can complete this simple 7-day solution in the comfort and privacy of your own home…

Think it’s impossible?
I want to share some thoughts with you...

If there is an inkling in your mind that it's time to drink less...

Because deep down you know it would be a good thing to do...

And maybe you haven't had a sober day in a long time...

And when I mean a long time...

For many drinkers, it's months or even years...

And it worries you because your greatest plans to 'not' drink go out the window by your 'drink o'clock' time...

And you get annoyed with yourself for letting yourself down... 

For many drinkers, it's months or even years...

And it worries you because your greatest plans to 'not' drink go out the window by your 'wine o'clock' or 'beer o'clock' time...

And you get annoyed with yourself for letting yourself down... 

I can assure you that 
you are by no means alone!

But if you really want to take control of your drinking habits, this 7-day solution will change EVERYTHING.

And it takes just 25 minutes per day…

But before I reveal the 7-day solution

That is proven to reverse your terrible drinking habits…
I should introduce myself.
My name is Georgia Foster, and I am a world-renowned Alcohol Reduction Expert with over 26 years of experience.

In fact, I have helped 108,996 people (and counting) significantly reduce their consumption – and even quit drinking altogether – in just 7 days with my PROVEN method.

All you need to do is give me your attention for
25 minutes a day for 7 days,
and I will show you how to shift your relationship with alcohol from a fast and furious daily occurrence to...

As featured in...

A calm, slow-paced and pleasurable habit...
One that no longer gives you a “guilt hangover” after breaking the promise you made to yourself.

As featured in...

I’m talking about reducing your drinking consumption by up to half without thinking about it!
I’m going to show you how to do all of this:

Without having to change your entire friend group…

Without locking up your cabinet till the weekend…

Without avoiding social events just so you can avoid drinking…

Without having to replace the habit with something you didn’t even really want to do in the first place…

And, most importantly, without willpower.

And by now, I have proved that it works on over 108,966 people around the world to help them take control of their drinking too...

While still enjoying alcohol.

Here's what happy clients have to say:

I was drinking a bottle of wine a night, and I'm talking Monday to Friday, not going out with friends on the weekend, which could be a lot more! Four weeks in, I am now down to one or two glasses a night. Moderation is possible and achievable as opposed to many of the other programs that I've tried where sobriety is the end goal!

Sam, Melbourne, Australia

I've never done hypnosis ever before. I was sceptical at first. I didn't think that it would actually work, but it's working. It's helped with cutting down my drinking. Two nights ago, I went out for dinner with my friend, and it was the first time since I couldn't remember that I went to the bar and ordered water. My friend was shocked!

Jo Hellings, Sydney, Australia

After I lost my mom, I was drinking heavily. I wasn't able to function. I was hungover every day. I wasn't able to make it to work just unhealthy. So I researched, and I found this online course called Drink Less in 7 Days. They use hypnosis to help you drink less. I love it. It helped me so much. You have to try it. You do a course every day for seven days, and you can come back if you need a craving for a drink and use the app again.

Rachel, Salt Lake City

I found that Georgia Foster's really unique approach was really helpful. You can download it really easily on your phone, and each day has different lessons that offer coping skills, hypnosis talks, and different ideas to help people battle this in the comfort of their home. Seven days to drink less has genuine results. I highly recommend this program if you're looking to deal with getting control of the over consumption.

Shelley, San Diego

It’s no exaggeration to say that the drink less program changed my life. I feel fitter, and many people have told me I look great. I’ve lost two inches on my waist, just through drinking less. I feel sharper in the mornings. I was always very energetic but I now have even more energy.

John Clare, London, UK

Hey! I still love a beer but instead of drinking 10 to 12 beers a night I might have 2 to 4 & sometimes none.

Peter, Sydney, Australia

Typically, a drinker starts to worry about their health around 45+, which is when they feel more mature and established just like my clients.

I’m talking about the men and women who drink on a regular basis who have earned their stripes in life.

They’ve worked hard, raised families, struggled financially, juggled massive ups and downs, and now want to enjoy their life a little more.

But this is exactly the time when the years of heavy drinking may start to show with symptoms such as unusual tiredness, foggy brain and the extra tire around the waist!

Shake off the excess booze belly...

As well as reduce your drinking without having to think about it. 

I’ll tell you how in just a minute but first, you should probably know how I got here.

Growing up in the 70's in Melbourne, Australia, I wasn't the best student.

I couldn't wait to leave school.

My mum said if I knew how to type, I could work anywhere in the world.

So I took her advice and left school early and went to secretarial college.

I quickly became known as the fastest typist in the college, along with being the fastest drinker too!

I had terrible social anxieties because I thought I wasn't good enough, slim enough and smart enough, so I drank to be liked and loved.

One day for a bit of fun, I decided to go and see a psychic named Mary, who told me she could see me being a teacher.

I laughed at her and said there was no way I would ever be a teacher.

However, Mary assured me she was very rarely wrong, and she predicted that I would teach adults life skills.

I took what she said with a grain of salt and walked out.

Then one day, I was sitting at my parent's house and noticed a book on their coffee table based on a new psychology method.

Every page I read I felt had been written for me. I felt like the authors were inside
my head. I felt like I was reading about myself!

Something clicked in my head right at that moment that made me want to study with the authors of this book.

Twelve months later, I was in Northern California, being trained, along with others in a new, modern, progressive style of therapy.

One of the greatest gifts was the moment the penny dropped about why I self-sabotaged my life by drinking too much!

But it didn't stop there.

After I qualified, I went to London, UK where my typing skills came in handy, and I got a job as a personal assistant in one of the biggest investment banks in Europe.

During my lunchtime break, I came across an ad in a newspaper to train to be a Clinical Hypnotherapist. I decided to go all in.

Eighteen months later, after completing my diploma in clinical hypnosis, I received a call from the college owner inviting me to become one of their lecturers.

I thought this was a bit ‘beyond’ my capabilities, but he said other lecturers had noticed me amongst the sea of students, and I became one of their senior lecturers.

After I qualified, I went to London, UK where my typing skills came in handy, and I got a job as a personal assistant in one of the biggest investment banks in Europe.

During my lunchtime break, I came across an ad in a newspaper to train to be a Clinical Hypnotherapist. I decided to go all in.

Eighteen months later, after completing my diploma in clinical hypnosis, I received a call from the college owner inviting me to become one of their lecturers.

I thought this was a bit ‘beyond’ my capabilities, but he said other lecturers had noticed me amongst the sea of students, and I became one of their senior lecturers.

Soon, I waved goodbye 
to my office life in the bank!

Naturally, my ‘knack’ for helping people cut their drinking helped my practice grow…

But the bonus was that I had already started treating some of my fellow colleagues and bosses.

The banking clients kept coming from Goldman Sachs, Citibank, and Deutsche Bank, just to name a few.

I don’t know if you are or know of men and women in the financial world…

But they work hard and they party harder.

Many of these referred clients came to see me with stress, anxiety, insomnia, and low self-worth and used over-drinking as an emotional crutch

Whether they consciously realized that’s what they doing or not.

And, despite not being “AA attendees”, their habits were causing other BIG problems for them as well…

Drinking caused big problems for these people… Even though they weren’t sitting on a park bench drinking from a bottle in a brown paper bag!

Problems like:

  • Poor memory and forgetfulness
  • Elevated blood and liver markers
  • Not being present for their kids or partner
  • Lashing out at people

Some even suffered from worse behaviors than that. Stuff that could really damage their lives or jeopardize their careers…

I need to stress here these people did not have serious drinking issues.

These were men and women just like you and me who were fully functioning, responsible, hard-working people who just happened to use drinking as their coping strategy.

And nine out of ten of these clients were all looking for a way to drink less without having to quit.

They feared being left out or being “that guy”...

They didn’t need to quit.

They didn’t need an expensive intervention.

And they didn’t need rehab.

They just needed something that worked for them. On their own time. And that didn’t make them feel like they were “missing out” during social events.

As time went on I started to notice a curious pattern…

Despite how clients perceived their situation as unique and special, I realized that they generally fell into just one of THREE drinking categories:

First, the “Perfectionist Drinker”

These are your “high achievers”. They’re super goal driven and typically very successful.

They tend to abstain from drinking for long periods of time BUT…

When they do drink, they drink fast and furious.

Drinking stops the busy mind and this makes them feel GREAT… For a night.

But, the next day, they feel tremendous shame and guilt for what they did the night before… 

They drink quickly which means they get drunk quickly and tend to have memory blanks about the night before.

Perfectionists are "All or Nothing" drinkers.

They promise themselves they will drink less or drink more slowly but each time they make this commitment, as the cycle repeats itself, they get more and more angry at themselves.

The trouble that the Perfectionist Type, they don't trust themselves with drinking, so often end up quitting completely, as they just can't find the MIDDLE GROUND DRINKER life!

The goal of working with Perfectionist drinkers is for them to recognise the patterns of 'perfecting' being totally sober or perfecting completely over-drinking.

When a Perfectionist drinker changes their emotional conditioning before they drink, they can discover how to drink in a slow and balanced way.

Second is the “Pleaser Drinker”

The Pleaser Type really wants to drink less but they feel like they HAVE to say ‘yes’ in order to be liked.

Drinking is an easy way for them to get social acceptance…

To feel like they belong and find a way to be part of the group without putting the spotlight directly on themselves.

Their worst fear is thinking that they look boring.

Oftentimes, Pleaser Types tend to attract controlling people or even narcissists into their lives, which can create even MORE problems than their drinking.

They also tend to get into debt more than people who don’t… But it’s usually because they’re ultimately trying to do something good and not because of vanity.

The trouble for the Pleaser Type is that when they do drink, they are doing what I call “drinking to communicate”.

The lowered inhibition that comes with drinking makes it easier for the Pleaser Type to blow off some of the built-up steam from always caring for and helping everyone else out.

“When is it MY turn to get taken care of?” they think to themselves.

It’s during these moments that they tend to communicate aggressively with other people in their lives which often leads to many arguments and disappointments…

They know they drink too much and they also override their desire to say “No” so that they don’t feel left out when hanging with their friends or partner.

They think that it will help them relax, but it doesn’t.

And they keep coming back for more

For the Pleaser Type to change their habits, they need to learn how to have important conversations aside from a drink.

At first, it’s uncomfortable, but strength comes quickly and the conversations get easier.

Third is the “Inner Critic Drinker”

Inner Critic Types typically experience thoughts like…

  • “You shouldn’t drink so much, what’s wrong with you!?”
  • “You’re going to be boring so you better have a drink to loosen up.”
  • “That person thinks you’re dumb, so I know you’re not going to be yourself. Better have something to loosen up.”

When they do have a glass, similar to the Perfectionist Type, it helps them to temporarily shut down the negative inner dialogue.

The thing is that everybody has an Inner Critic.

It’s the “boss” who drives the negative thinking.

For the Critic drinkers to change their habits, they need to learn how to recognize this voice and tune it out and calm it down.

I call it “tuning OUT of “Radio Crazy” and into Classic FM.”

I need to note here...

Everyone has an Inner Critic and generally will have a Pleaser or Perfectionist combination.

The trick is to discover how to get these different drinking personalities to work for you and your drink less goals rather than hinder them!

Then... I went on to Group these 3 Types Under something I call “ECDS”

(Emotionally Conditioned Drinkers Syndrome)

The great news is that ECDS isn’t a life sentence. It’s a learned behavior.

And learned behaviors can be unlearned.

While some people DO have a real addiction, for the vast majority that’s not the problem.

Not at all.

As my controversial approach to simply cutting back gained more traction…

Not everybody agreed with my approach.

All was going well until one day I got a call from the head of the personal department of one of the banks. She demanded I come and see her urgently!

I arrived in her office shaking in my boots, where she told me I was not qualified to decide who was a problem drinker or not.

(Which was absolutely silly because I was and am still a licensed hypnotherapist).

She said I was “in way over my head” and should stop helping these people because anybody who has a drinking issue should quit entirely.

But I didn’t quit.

That’s because I knew this person judging me was not someone who drank at all.

You see, what I didn’t tell you is that she had an abusive heavy drinking father.

What was really going on was that she was projecting the pain and frustration she had experienced in her upbringing and throwing it all on me.

The great news is that ECDS isn’t a life sentence. It’s a learned behavior.

And it’s this kind of judgment that my clients typically struggle with…

The judgment of their friends and family… And the fear of being left out.

This got my back up big time, and I said in a kind but assertive manner that this was one of the biggest misconceptions about people who over-drink.

I simply said to her, “It’s the thinking before the drinking that’s the problem.”

She gruffly ushered me out.

So, despite her snide monologue, I pressed on.

And thank goodness I did because the worried, drinking clients kept coming and getting real genuine results.

  • People were drinking less
  • ​Self-esteem was improving
  • ​They were going to bed without a nightcap
  • ​Some experienced positive body changes
  • ​Enjoying drink free days rather than dreading them
  • ​Having healthy communication with family and friends
  • ​Communicating with colleagues assertively without needing to drink
  • ​Spending quality time with family and friends
  • ​Being able to take kids to sports activities on the weekends without being hungover
  • ​Having the feeling that they don’t HAVE TO drink. It’s no longer a necessity.
  • ​Enjoying who they genuinely are BEFORE they drink

What was I doing that was SO different that made things SO successful?

I use something called my “Inner Dialogue” technique.

It helps you align the desires of your conscious mind with your unconscious mind.

And once you do that, no matter which type of drinker you are (Perfectionist, Pleaser, Critic), change becomes easy.

My method helps clients address their emotions WITHOUT digging into their past or rearranging their entire life.

Once you do that…

There’s no more resistance.

Instead, there’s peace, presence, and confidence.

But There Was Another Problem…

As my unique method spread far and wide from the UK to Australia and the US, I was forced to retire from clinic life because I was totally and completely burnt out, overwhelmed and exhausted.

Then 2020 came… And even more people were emailing me from Canada, France, Ireland and New Zealand asking for a private appointment.

They knew their drinking had gotten out of hand, and it was really starting to worry them!

Don't get me wrong, before lockdowns, most of these people were drinking too much, but now it had become a bigger problem for many!

I couldn't get out of my head that people needed more attention, more time and more support. And I just couldn't provide this with private consultations anymore.

So I took time out to reassess how I could help worried drinkers have someone to turn to while getting great results at the same time...

Keeping my energy up to be that person who could deliver this BIG promise!

That's when I had an Epiphany...

Since the ROOT of all of my client's problems was actually the same thing (ECDS)...

I no longer needed to hypnotize my clients, one on one, instead, I could help train them with their own healthy Inner Dialogue.

Instead of doing in-person sessions, I decided to do a little experiment.

I simply provided a high-quality recording the client could play back on their phone at any time…

Whether it be just before they go to sleep, or when they wake up, during a lunch break, or right before a social outing.

At first, I wasn’t sure it was going to work. This was a big change from doing in-person sessions!

But …

If it worked… The impact would be huge…

Because I wanted it to take just a few minutes a day (25 minutes), so those with busy lives could get results quickly and privately!

I wanted it to be something that could TRULY work in just 7 days…

And I am happy to say, the new way to deliver my unique approach really worked!

In 2011, we released the first version of my private, online program — 7 Days to Drink Less — which featured the very same hypnosis I previously used with my A-level clients in my private practice…

Along with some additional goodies to support their journey along the way.

What happened next blew my mind.

To my great surprise…

The exact Inner Dialogue technique I had spent years perfecting in person in my private practice transferred PERFECTLY to simple, convenient audio recordings.

It was so long ago that I honestly can’t remember how many people signed up, but it was a good few thousand.

Even more shocking than that were the results that were reported back to me in a survey I ran within the group…

The success rate was a WHOPPING 98%

Yes, Amazingly... 98% of people reduced their drinking.

Just by listening to simple little audio recordings.

  • Without paying for multiple sessions of therapy…
  • Without leaving their house…
  • ​Without changing their entire friend group…
  • ​Without locking up their cabinets til the weekend…
  • ​Without avoiding social events just so they could avoid drinking situations…
  • ​Without having to replace the habit with something else…

Then the Media Caught Wind of What I Was Doing…

Since developing the “Inner Dialogue” technique, I have had the privilege of being featured in some of the top newspapers in the UK and Australia such as The Times, The Telegraph, The Daily Mail, and regularly interviewed on Sky News and the Today Show...

"She has hypnotised billionaires, politicians, actors and high-profile musicians, though she’s far to discreet to name names."

"In the day following I leave two (boozy) dinner parties sober, having had less than a couple of glasses of wine without giving it much thought. I feel stronger, partly due to a new awareness of my personal triggers."

“Let’s be honest, nobody wants to live in a non-drinking world. But it’s about you managing your drinking, as opposed it letting it manage you. It’s about not using drink as escapism from day-to-day problems.”

Now, I’m on a mission to help 1 million worried drinkers know there is a resource and it starts right here on this page.

I am here to protect you from the judgmental world out there that says you need to quit!

I truly am here to help you navigate the minefield of self-doubt about your ability to drink less...

And it starts with one simple and easy to use plan...

It's a plan that has worked for over 100,000 men and women who 'know' that it's time to stop feeling guilty about drinking...

And start living a healthier drink less life while still having fun while you drink!

I'm talking about all these 'drink less' plans that led you to nowhere...

My plan can actually take you somewhere NOW and in your future where you naturally drink less...

I want you to stop making such big demands on yourself and start succeeding!

My questions for you is...

What if drinking less wasn't such a big deal? 

I am so excited to create a genuine results based reduction program that will stop the drink cravings...

Shake off the excess booze belly...
As well as reduce your drinking without having to think about it. 

What if you could dramatically change within an hour your relationship with drinking and watch yourself over 7 days go from...

A regular heavy drinker...

To a chilled out happy to drink less person without feeling like you are missing out?

I came up with a solution that I think you will be really happy with...

I've updated and revised the 7 Days To Drink Less program for 2023!

To help all of the men and women who want 'real' and lasting results without having to quit or having to tell anyone!

I am so excited to create a genuine results based reduction program that will stop the alcohol cravings...

Each day I will cover...

              Day 1:  

You will receive a 20 minute audio where you will discover:

  • Why do we drink too much
  • The unconscious mind and its emotional habits
  • ​The power of hypnosis to make positive change

The first of the 25 minute hypnosis is ready and waiting for you to just chill out and relax while your mind works its magic.

              Day 2: 

Introduction of Inner Dialogue theory with a 30 minute audio talk.

Today you will receive my very important discussion on why talking to yourself can be detrimental to your drink less goals and how to change this today!

  • The Inner Critic
  • The Intuitive Healthy Confident Part
  • ​Introducing The Perfectionist
  • ​Introducing 'The Pleaser

Includes 25 minute hypnosis.

              Day 3: 

What we will be discovering today in the audio talk of 30 minutes is:

  • Introducing 'The Inner Child'
  • Creative, loving, unconditional, rejection, fun, spontaneity
  • ​The Inner Child loves drinking

Setting Realistic Goals for Your Life:

  • Setting realistic drink less goals
  • Creating different responses

Includes a 25 minute hypnosis recording.

              Day 4:

AFDs – Alcohol-Free Days

  • How it is important to have AFDs
  • How to train yourself to experience AFD's with ease

Includes a 25 minute hypnosis recording.

              Day 5:

Extended version The Inner Dialogue Theory

  • Recognising the Inner Critic & how it sabotages drinking less
  • ​Common blips
  • ​The Inner Critic doesn't like change

Liver Health:

  • Drinking is not the only way to damage your liver!
  • Your liver is the only organ that can regenerate itself
  • ​Liver cleansing benefits

Includes a 25 minute hypnosis recording.

And the Bonus 5 minute hypno-blast version for when you need to get into a quick drink less headspace while out and about!

              Day 6:

The Future

  • My incredible Mind's Eye Technique
  • I am going to show you what my famous clients from the acting world, the sports arena and high-level executives achieve with this incredible hypnosis process!

Includes a 25 minute hypnosis journey into your future.

              Day 7:


How to continue to have a drink less mindset:

  • The Domino Effect of this program in other areas of your life
  • Looking back on reflection at your success
  • ​How to have healthier habits moving forward
  • ​The only way is up!

Also included every day you will receive brand new hypnosis recordings:

1 x 25 minute self-hypnosis recording

1 x 25 minute self-hypnosis recording

1 hour subliminal recording

1 hour subliminal recording

Valued at a realistic $273

I need to stress that hypnosis is not hocus pocus alternative therapy and this isn't magic... It's science!

The truth is that it's not the conscious mind that drives this desire to drink.

It's the deeper part of the mind, the unconscious mind or what some people call the subconscious mind or what I call the unconscious mind.

When we are in a negative state of mind, our brain will search through our past trying to find the best resource to make us feel better...

And if a glass of wine or two or three is the answer...

Our mind will assume that this is the best way to make us feel safe - even if it is 9:00 am!

A University of Texas study revealed:
 "When we drink, our subconscious is learning to consume more."

But that's not all... Because this study is part of an emerging consensus in the neuroscience community that over-drinking is basically a learning and memory disorder!

So... What does this mean to you? That you simply need to break those connections between drinking and those past memories related to drinking that make you feel safe.

And consequently, the desire to drink will automatically drop!

Here is the reason why hypnosis has long been used as a treatment for binge drinking and regular heavy drinkers.

Because according to a study by Stanford University Medical Centre, which scanned people's brains while they were being hypnotized.

Hypnosis decreases the function of the default system network, a part of the brain associated with the unconscious mind and habits.

And that's why hypnosis helps you break those old bad behavior patterns and create new, healthier ones by specifically targeting your unconscious mind.

Think of it this way: 

Your unconscious mind is like a hill covered with snow, and thoughts are sleds sliding down that hill.

And every time a new sled goes down the hill, it will be attracted to the same tracks that are already there, almost like a magnet.

These main tracks represent the most well-travelled neural connections in your brain, many of which run through the default system network.

As time goes on, it becomes harder and harder to slide down the hill on any other track or in a different direction.

That's why it's almost impossible to think about anything but drinking when one feels a bit stressed or vulnerable...

Because every time someone drinks to help themselves calm down…

Or boost social confidence, the unconscious mind reinforces that pre-existing tracks...

How can my The Drink Less Method help?

What hypnosis does is naturally flatten the snow.

So the deeply worn tracks disappear, and suddenly the sled can travel in different directions, exploring new landscapes and literally creating new pathways.

When the snow is freshest, the mind is most impressionable, and the slightest nudge can powerfully affect its future course, enabling your brain to create new, healthier paths.

During the hypnosis state, you receive subtle powerful suggestions that help you create new memories and new healthier behavior patterns.

That replace the old ones that drive your unconscious desire to drink too much!

The bottom line is that hypnosis is a fast-track solution to drinking less without having to delve into your past or figure out why.

Because hypnosis removes the unconscious association between drinking as the way to relax and unwind at the end of a hard day's work.

Or the unconscious association between drinking and social confidence... 

Or the unconscious association between alcohol and all the other triggers that can lead to an uncontrollable desire to drink...

Consequently when someone doesn't feel the urge to drink, they do not have to rely on willpower, nor do they feel that their favourite tipple is being withheld from them...

Heads up...

This is my BIG passion to help those who want to drink less! 

I am seriously excited because I've never given all of my secret drink less tools in one program before.

I know how much people spend on drinking and I know how much you will save when you reduce your consumption by my method!

So I am going to offer you a big discount. Let’s call this an Early Adopter Rate, so you can get in before I put this program out at its ‘real value!’

If you decide to join me, you will be getting the equivalent of 7 private appointments with me.

I used to charge $600 an appointment, so in total this would normally cost you $4200...

7 hypnosis recordings


7 hypnosis recordings


2 subliminal recordings...

2 subliminal recordings...

And daily top tips and notes to help fulfil your dream of becoming a happier and healthier drink less person!

I'll recap here what the plan is in this first time opportunity.

I want to invite you to join me in a powerful tried and test method that just simply works.

The truth is most drink less or sober methods make it complicated when it just doesn't have to be.

If you are ready to claim a healthier relationship with YOU and are ready to drink less...

If you decide to join me, you will be getting the equivalent of 7 private appointments with me without the price tag of $4200!

Both the plans include...

both the plans include...

  • 7 Days of my attention focusing on your drink less goals
  • 7 Amazing days where you will get to know how my Inner Dialogue method has changed over 100,000 drinkers lives!
  • ​7 Incredible days where you will delve into how to move on from old drinking days and ways that have been keeping you from being that Healthier and Happier YOU!
  • 7 Life changing days where you will discover how to cope better with life without reaching for a glass or two
  • ​5 Amazing Hypnosis sessions created by me each day to kick start your drink less goals even faster!
  • ​BONUS - 1 hour Subliminal Drink Less recording
  • 7 days of my attention focusing on your drink less goals...
  • 7 Amazing days where you will get to know how my Inner Dialogue method that has changed over 100,000 drinkers lives!
  • 7 Incredible days where you will delve into how to move on from old drinking days and ways that have been keeping you from being that Healthier and Happier YOU!
  • 7 Life changing days where you will discover how to cope better with life without reaching for a glass or two
  • 5 Amazing Hypnosis sessions created by me each day to kick start your drink less goals even faster!
  • ​BONUS - 1 hour Subliminal Drink Less recording

How to manage alcohol rather than it manage YOU!

How to manage alcohol rather than it manage YOU!

Don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

You receive all of this for $89.

However, for $139 you will also receive:

My Alcohol Reduction Plan, which has amazing strategies to fast-track you even more within minutes!

I am also including my "What Type of Drinker Are You" questionnaire. This document will instantly show you what drinking personality traits are hindering you and which ones can help you become a healthier drinker.

Then as an extra PLUS...

You will also receive my Drink Less in 7 Days eBook that comes with two unique hypnosis recordings that in itself is it's own program. The good news is it will help you even more with your drink less goals.

Normally I would charge for all of this content $197, but as you are on this page right now, I am going to offer it to you for $139.
  • Powerful neuroplasticity techniques that change your emotional relationship with alcohol
  • My unique psychology training called Inner Dialogue
  • It’s private and can be used in the quiet of your home
  • No expensive therapy sessions
  • No explaining to other people you are seeing a therapist about your alcohol issues.


  • 7 Drink Less talks
  • Inner Dialogue Training
  • ​The most up-to-date Neuroplasticity Techniques
  • ​5 Life Changing Hypnosis Tracks
  • ​Anxiety Reduction Training Audio
  • ​Bonus Subliminal Track
  • Drink Less in 7-Days eBook (valued at $36.34) – 50% OFF
  • Alcohol Reduction Plan (valued at $32.99) – 50% OFF
  • What type of drinker are you (valued at $29.99) – 50% OFF


  • 7 Drink Less talks
  • Inner Dialogue Training
  • The most up-to-date Neuroplasticity Techniques
  • ​5 Life Changing Hypnosis recordings
  • ​Anxiety Reduction Training Audio
  • ​Bonus Subliminal Track


  • Drink Less in 7-Days eBook (valued at $36.34) – 50% OFF
  • Alcohol Reduction Plan (valued at $32.99) – 50% OFF
  • What type of drinker are you (valued at $29.99) – 50% OFF

TOTAL $147



TOTAL $197



You receive all of this for $89.

However, for $139 you will also receive:

My Alcohol Reduction Plan, which has amazing strategies to fast-track you even more within minutes!

I am also including my "What Type of Drinker Are You" questionnaire. This document will instantly show you what drinking personality traits are hindering you and which ones can help you become a healthier drinker.

Then as an extra PLUS...

You will also receive my Drink Less in 7 Days eBook that comes with two unique hypnosis recordings that in itself is it's own program. The good news is it will help you even more with your drink less goals.

Normally I would charge for all of this content $247, but as you are on this page right now, I am going to offer it to you for $139.


  • 7 Drink Less talks
  • Inner Dialogue Training
  • ​The most up-to-date Neuroplasticity Techniques
  • ​5 Life Changing Hypnosis Tracks
  • ​Anxiety Reduction Training Audio
  • ​Bonus Subliminal Track
  • Drink Less in 7-Days eBook (valued at $36.34) – 50% OFF
  • Alcohol Reduction Plan (valued at $32.99) – 50% OFF
  • What type of drinker are you (valued at $29.99) – 50% OFF

TOTAL $147




  • 7 Drink Less talks
  • Inner Dialogue Training
  • ​The most up-to-date Neuroplasticity Techniques
  • ​5 Life Changing Hypnosis Tracks
  • ​Anxiety Reduction Training Audio
  • ​Bonus Subliminal Track


  • Drink Less in 7-Days eBook (valued at $36.34) – 50% OFF
  • Alcohol Reduction Plan (valued at $32.99) – 50% OFF
  • What type of drinker are you (valued at $29.99) – 50% OFF

TOTAL $197



Remember you are going to discover:

  • Powerful neuroplasticity techniques that change your emotional relationship with drinking
  • My unique psychology training called Inner Dialogue
  • It’s private and can be used in the quiet of your home
  • ​No expensive therapy sessions
  • No explaining to other people you are seeing a therapist about your drink issues.
  • Powerful neuroplasticity techniques that change your emotional relationship with alcohol
  • My unique psychology training called Inner Dialogue
  • It’s private and can be used in the quiet of your home
  • No expensive therapy sessions
  • No explaining to other people you are seeing a therapist about your alcohol issues.
Maybe you are sitting on the fence wondering if it’s time to deal with your drinking now or in your future or by some miracle things naturally shift…

I guess you have 3 choices…
Choice 1:
Stay where you are and see in 12 months how stuck you are doing the same type of drinking that's just not getting any better...

And feeling really bad about yourself.
Choice 2:
Quit drinking when you know deep down it's not what you want to do...

But you know you want to find the right type of drink less approach that helps you without the need of willpower.
Choice 3:
Become an Intuitive Drinker who prides themselves on drinking slowly and consuming your favourite drink in healthy ways.

Imagine how proud you will feel and, if you have children and/or Grandchildren...

How happy they will be hanging out with you drinking in a balanced way.
  • Powerful neuroplasticity techniques that change your emotional relationship with alcohol
  • My unique psychology training called Inner Dialogue
  • It’s private and can be used in the quiet of your home
  • No expensive therapy sessions
  • No explaining to other people you are seeing a therapist about your alcohol issues.
Maybe you are sitting on the fence wondering if it’s time to deal with your drinking now or in your future or by some miracle things naturally shift…

I guess you have 3 choices…
Choice 1:
Stay where you are and see in 12 months how stuck you are doing the same type of drinking that's just not getting any better...
And feeling really bad about yourself.
Choice 2:
Quit drinking when you know deep down it's not what you want to do...
But you know you want to find the right type of drink less approach that helps you without the need of willpower.
Choice 3:
Become an Intuitive Drinker who prides themselves on drinking slowly and consuming alcohol in healthy ways.
Imagine how proud you will feel and, if you have children and/or Grandchildren...
How happy they will be hanging out with you drinking in a balanced way.

Here are some testimonials 
from Drink Less Customers!

Drinking Is Becoming A Treat Not A Habit

“With a program to stick to, it’s not as hard as I imagined…. I have just had five small glasses of wine in the past 10 days – a huge improvement… I feel stronger and more accepting of my own current situation, so there was less of an internal struggle and less of a void to fill with drink. Drinking is becoming a treat not a habit.”

Pyschologies Magazine - Rebecca Smith, UK

“With a program to stick to, it’s not as hard as I imagined…. I have just had five small glasses of wine in the past 10 days – a huge improvement… I feel stronger and more accepting of my own current situation, so there was less of an internal struggle and less of a void to fill with drink. Alcohol is becoming a treat not a habit.”

-Rebecca Smith, Location e.g. UK

I Haven’t Had To Give Up Drinking Completely!

“My skin was clearer, and I slept better… By the end of the week, my usual total of 40 units is down to a more modest (for me) 21. Thanks to hypnotherapy… And the brilliant thing? I haven’t had to give up drinking completely.”

The Daily Mail, Liz Hoggard, UK

“My skin was clearer, and I slept better… By the end of the week, my usual total of 40 units is down to a more modest (for me) 21. Thanks to hypnotherapy… And the brilliant thing? I haven’t had to give up drinking completely.”

-Liz Hoggards, Location

Yesterday, someone asked me if I’d had a facelift!!

“I don’t know if it’s because I have more energy and I am more active, but I’ve lost 7 pounds! People keep saying how well I look. Yesterday, someone asked me if I’d had a facelift. I thought I needed alcohol to relax, to make life more interesting, to make me more interesting. It’s just not true.”

-The Independent Newspaper

“I don’t know if it’s because I have more energy and I am more active, but I’ve lost 7 pounds! People keep saying how well I look. Yesterday, someone asked me if I’d had a facelift. I thought I needed alcohol to relax, to make life more interesting, to make me more interesting. It’s just not true.”

-The Independent Newspaper
Use These Tested And Proven Techniques And Feel What’s It's Like To Have Control Over Alcohol!
Use These Tested And Proven Techniques And Feel What’s It's Like To Have Control Over Drinking In Health Ways!

End the embarrassing situations drinking too much can put you into.

And end with “that cycle of regret every morning that gets so tiring!”

To get your life back 
without lifelong 12-Step programs…
To get your life back 
without lifelong 12-Step programs…

Forget the white-knuckle willpower or going cold-turkey!

The 7 Days To Drink Less method is for you if you know binge drinking is affecting your life but don't want to quit completely…

  • The FASTEST and easiest ways to drink less, without anybody knowing how you did it!
  • ​The results are quick and effective – cravings disappear, replaced with healthier drinking habits.   
  • GUARANTEED to reduce your consumption while improving your emotional wellbeing.  
  • The best reduction program the world has ever seen. 
  • ​You have lifetime access to all content. 
  • Starts working immediately, and the good news is, you don't have to quit drinking for the program to work!! 
  • ​Become the happier, healthier drinker you really are without all the guilt and anxiety.  
  • ​Learn to regularly drink less and feel good about what you drink, when and why. 
  • ​Say goodbye old guilty ways of drinking and say hello to the natural 'drink less' approach! 
  • No more sneaky drinking or pretending that you are drinking less than you are.   
  • Get rid of of the Booze Belly once and for all without having to think about it!

I need to say that when I work with people who want to drink less they are the hero of their success - not me!

It’s your mind that holds the key to drinking less. I will give you the tools and techniques to achieve this.


Here are a few questions people have been asking me:

More Questions, Help or Support? Email:
Copyright © 2021 - Georgia Foster, Suite 445, 100 Market Street, South Melbourne, 3205